• 7/10
    Teacher Experience - 7/10
  • 3/10
    Teacher Qualifications - 3/10
  • 10/10
    Price - 10/10
  • 3/10
    Availability - 3/10
  • 2/10
    Individual Care - 2/10
  • 3/10
    Quality of Pianos - 3/10
  • 6/10
    Environment - 6/10
  • 8/10
    Professionalism - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Customer Service - 8/10


PROS: Cheap, Central Location, Social, Open to Pop Music

CONS: Shared digital keyboard, Fixed course times, Teacher no professional qualification

WEBSITE: https://www.city-academy.com/piano-lessons

EMAIL: info@city-academy.com

ADDRESS: Arts Theatre, 6-7 Great Newport St, London WC2H 7JB

PHONE: 0207 042 8833

Last reviewed in Aug 2017

FACTS: Two group courses: ‘Beginners’ and ‘Improvers’. Play in pairs and with the whole group.

EDITOR REVIEW: The social element is good if that’s what you’re after. Unfortunately, you share one digital keyboard (either a Yamaha or the cheaper Casio brand) between two students which is not ideal. The course is cheap which is rare in London. This is a good option if you want to socialise with other students.  The teacher only has grade 8 as a qualification, but 18 years’ experience of teaching piano privately, a 1 year to groups. Having said that, if you’re into more contemporary music such as folk, jazz, or pop, the teacher has experience in performing these styles, so this could be for you. This is what you’ll learn if you choose the Beginner course:

  • Learn how to name all the notes on the keyboard
  • Practice correct finger placement, hand and sitting positions
  • Learn about scales, key signatures and chord progressions
  • Practice playing in pairs and as a whole group
  • Learn a wide variation of musical pieces and develop your improvisational skills
  • How to read piano music, identifying where notes are on the piano and learn about musical terminology

PRICE PER HOUR: £125-185 for a 4-week or 6-week course

ONLINE BOOKING: https://www.city-academy.com/piano-lessons